David Baker with Gannet Beach Tryptych (painting) and Nymph 2 (sculpture).


To me, almost anywhere, but particularly beaches, rock platforms and estuaries, can become dynamic, magical places if experienced under the appropriate time, light and atmospheric conditions. This I attempt to capture in my artworks. The composition of my work is directly influenced by a love of Japanese Art, where a small area of activity may be balanced by a large expanse of space, and by an extensive study of modern non-objective painters.

I am represented in the Power Bequest, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney; Sturt University Collection of Australian Portraits, and the collections of Wollongong University, University of Western Sydney, AMP, Hayman Island Resort, St Vincent's Hospice, Sydney, and Gosford City Council. I have twice been selected for inclusion in the Sulman Prize, Art Gallery of NSW, and twice at Syney's iconic Opera House. I have illustrated 12 volumes of Australian poetry and short stories and provided over 550 illustrations for the Macquarie Illustrated Dictionary.

I am included in Alan and Susan McCulloch's prestigeous Encyclopedia of Australian Artists. .